A L B E Foundation
ALBE foundation is on a mission to Revive & Manifest the Holistic Abundance through Life skills based education and various other initiatives!
+ Projects
Interactive Sessions
Interactive sessions are more and most valuable sessions. This is a program where students get an opportunity to interact with eminent personalities from various walks of life. Interactive sessions help to build confidence and create more inner strength as the students are exposed and experienced to talking to various personalities who have succeeded in their lives by facing many challenges which they have transformed into opportunities.
These sessions play a real-time experience sessions for the students to explore.
Understanding Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda was an Indian monk, philosopher, guide, teacher and what not. Swamiji Chicago address was a proud moment in India’s history. Swamiji proclaimed India’s spiritual, cultural and intellectual greatness in the World Parliament of Religions. In commemoration of the 125 th years of Swamijis return, we organized an interactive session with the inspirers of Swamiji named and titled UNDERSTANDING VIVEKANANDA
Experiencing Thoughts
It is an 18hrs classroom coaching for IXth standard students spreading across 6 weeks. This life skills based education will make the students to believe in themselves to face the challenges that society throws.
+ Services
Experience The Self
It is an 18 hr classroom for XIth std students spreading across to 6 weeks. This life skill based education will help the students to experience the knowledge and explore themselves to become more successful and productive in life.
Believe In Yourself
This is a 36 hrs crash course to arts & science students spreading across to 8 weeks. This life skills based education will empower the students by inquiring and investigating themselves with their daily experiences, by doing which, by realizing which, students will develop their capabilities to meet the needs and demand
Balanced Life Expansion
It is an 45 hrs crash course to engineering students spreading across 8 weeks of learning. This life skills based education will create the students to identify the purest and highest form of wisdom in their lifes.
+About Us
Empowering Lives through Education: The ALBE Foundation
Life skills are essential one which will make you to live. Because, Adolescence has very high capabilities which strengthens the student to meet demands of the society. Imparting life skill through life skill education will help youth to overcome difficulties in life. Which is were "ALBE" comes into the picture.